About Us

Where it all began
From the Heart Of the Outback
In 1993, as a response to low wool prices, drought and the difficulty to obtain any wool products for everyday use, Kerrie Richards established the original business, Wool Wares Australia, & vertically integrated the supply chain of their family sheep enterprise. Working out of the shearers' quarters on the family Sheep station, "Clareborough", outside of Richmond in North West Queensland, Kerrie threw her hat over the farm gate and took their raw wool right through to fabric and garments. Our first brand name was "Ewe Too" and eventually this and the business name morphed into MERINO COUNTRY because that's where we came from and Australia is also "The" Merino Country - growing 80% of the world's Merino wool.

From Paddock to Paddington
In 1996, we set up a small showroom in Red Hill, Brisbane and then in 1997 moved to Latrobe Terrace, Paddington with our first retail outlet. In 2009 we successfully tendered and won a contract to supply thermals to the Australian Defence Force moving the whole operation into a factory 30 minutes south of Brisbane and in 2014 when the Landlord wanted to move back into his building we purchased our current building on the M1, where you can come and visit our showroom and see us making the products you love to wear.

Australian Grown, Made and Owned....Naturally!
As a family business we have made a conscious decision to manufacture in Australia to support local jobs and communities and to maintain the quality of our products. We work closely with our suppliers including Australian Woolgrowers & Fabric processors and have control over not only raw wool but also yarn types, fabric construction, garment design and manufacturing. All of our garments are made in-house in our own factory in Queensland where we've invested in new machinery and local people. Traceable, Ethical, Sustainable & Locally Made... Naturally!

Australian Fabric for Australian Conditions
We've developed our own easy care, Merino knit jersey that is lightweight, soft to touch and comfortable to wear all year round. The fabric comes in brilliant colours and is machine washable & can be tumble dried; it does not shrink, it keeps it's shape, the colours don't fade and is long wearing giving you great value for money. The construction & performance of our fabric in our underwear is very different to other companies, we have developed this lightweight fabric particularly for our Wundies which are worn everyday - undies wear quite differently to outerwear & for this reason we developed our own soft. lightweight but hard wearing Merino jersey. Natural Underwear... good for you and the environment... Naturally!

Wundies all Over the World
Our Australian Merino products are so good we not only sell direct to customers all over the world but also supply the Victoria Police, the Australian Defence Force, Border Control and the Australian Antarctic Division. From the steamy tropics to the freezing mountains, the bedroom to the boardroom, cafe scenes to breathtaking scenes; our 100% Australian Merino fabrics and garments are designed for comfort, versatility and durability for work, travel and play... Naturally!

A note from our Founders
Thank you
Through our business, love of the land & Australian Merino wool we've had some amazing adventures & met wonderful people. From South Africa to Buckingham Palace, Tasmania to Darwin, Canada to Cairns, Mongolia to Melbourne - so many people are wearing our beautiful Australian Made & Grown Merino products, and of course, our WUNDIES - wool undies that are really, really Comfy!!
We don't just make clothes - we produce Australian Merino products that help make your lives more comfortable. It's very gratifying to not only employ local people, but to also help customers who have skin conditions; are having chemo treatment; to travel comfortably and work safely; keep warm or cool! All of our customers have a story and we are privileged to be a part of those stories with our products.
Thank you for wearing our amazing Australian Merino products and supporting local businesses, industry and communities. We look forward to being a part of your adventures!
Kerrie & Malcolm
From the heart of the outback