Media and Events

First Shop in Brisbane & End of an Era with the Sale of the Family Sheep Stations | 1997
What a year with some incredible highs! The Queensland Festival of Wool showcasing the importance of the Qld Sheep & Wool Industry, Kerrie is awarded a Nuffield Farming Scholarship, plenty of m...
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Taking Wool to the People | 1996
1996 was spent promoting Merino wool with other passionate Merino Wool Growers and this often meant some incredibly creative wool promotions and many miles travelled around the country including ra...
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From the Heart of the Outback | 1995
Adversity is often the mother of invention and with drought, low wool prices and the need for an off-farm income, founder of Merino Country, Kerrie Richards, jumped the farm gate to develop her own...
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The First Pop Up Merino Shops | 1994
The first POP UP Shops! Frustrated with the lack of wool products in the stores and with so many innovative products being made developed to utilise the oversupply of wool, Members of the wool grow...
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How Merino Country Started | 1993
Kerrie Richards has always had a passion for Merino wool, life on the land, the people and animals in these rural communities. Adversity is the mother of invention and it was from drought, low wool...
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Rural Queensland Today with Ben Dobbin and Kerrie Richards
Ben Dobbin speaks with Kerrie Richards about how Merino Country turned their Merino clothing and underwear factory into making 100% Merino personal Face Masks in response to Covid-19.
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Queensland Country Life Face Masks Feature
Queensland Country Life recently published an article about our Face Masks and local manufacturing. Sally Gall wrote about how we turned our clothing and underwear factory into a full time Face Ma...
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Beyond The Bale Feature - September Issue
Beyond the bale is Australian Wool Innovation's quarterly magazine for their shareholders and wool industry stakeholders. We were fortunate enough to have a full page feature in their September edi...
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Reviving Australia's wool processing industry on Landline
We were included in the recent segment put together by Lucy Barbour for ABC Landline's Reviving Australia's wool processing industry.Catch us at 25:20 minutes and watch what goes on behind the scen...
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Coronavirus is a catalyst for change. The world has shrunk and supply chains are under threat at this time of global disruption. Local manufacturing is coming into its own, and being niche, nimble ...
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